2025 International Fest

Claude Moore Rec Center

The Original Bavarian Dance Group of Washington, DC

The Latest News

Alt Washingtonia Schuhplattler Verein

Alt Washingtonia is a 501C3 Non-Profit Organization.

All members are volunteers who donate their time to perform. If

you want to donate

via Paypal to help

support our


you can do so using

this QR Code.

You may also want to check out these links.

Time TBD
46105 Loudoun Park Ln, Sterling, VA 20164 

Upcoming Dates and Information!

Next performance

Many ask where we get our "outfits", but the truth is, that much of what we have is made by our talented members. A group of six got together on January 11 to work on a set of black aprons to be used at some point in the future. It takes a village to look this good. 

What can we do for you today?